Simple Layouts allow you to select between ready-made layouts, many of which can print multiple images from your album on one page.
Printing an album using a simple layout
Using simple layouts you can print your image at its actual size determined by resolution, or you can choose to have it fill the printable area of your page.
When using multi-image layouts, you can opt to have the same image repeated multiple times per page by checking the box marked Same Photo Per Page.
Print multiple copies of a single image on a page
Choose Fill Printable Area if you want your image scaled to fit an entire page. Check Don’t Crop if you want to make sure that your entire image will show up on the page.
Choose Actual Size (inches) to print your image using the image resolution embedded in it. You can adjust the actual size of your image by choosing a scale other than 100%, or by typing the number of inches into the dimensions fields. Note that changing one dimension automatically changes the other, to keep your photo in its original aspect ratio.
Choosing the actual size of your image in the Advanced Print dialog
Choose Actual Size (pixels) to print your image based on your printer’s resolution. With this option checked and set to 100%, your printer will print one dot per every computer pixel. You can adjust the actual size of your image by choosing a scale other than 100%, or by typing the number of pixels into the dimensions fields. Note that changing one dimension automatically changes the other, to keep your photo in its original aspect ratio.